博主 手工艺品
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1博客 Jéssica Silva - Jessica 1
SMB: 4
6+ 个月
Jéssica Silva (Jessiicalsiilva) Jessica Jessica love exchanging experiences and knowledge w/ those around me and the internet has allowed us to share this with those who do not even know! 公布
• Influencer Marketing 手工艺品
2博客  Sandra Matias - Maquilhadora.2
SMB: 3
6+ 个月
Sandra Matias (Sandra Matias Mua) Maquilhadora.Maquilhadora.Passionate about beauty, I love to enhance the beauty of people, raise their self-esteem. 公布
• Influencer Marketing 手工艺品
• Influencer Marketing 美丽
• Influencer Marketing 化妆
3博客   Luciana Aguas - Lua Aguas3
SMB: 3
4 个月
Luciana Aguas (Lua) Lua AguasLua AguasLuciana Águas, 51 years old, Brazilian, communicator, mentor of women, student of psychoanalysis and trained as a coach, hair therapist. 公布
• Influencer Marketing 手工艺品
• Influencer Marketing 时尚
• Influencer Marketing 舞蹈
• Influencer Marketing 生活方式
• Influencer Marketing 健康
4博客    Andreia Marques - Time to create4
SMB: 2
6+ 个月
Andreia Marques (andreia c marques) Time to createTime to createI am a weaver and a seeker of time and meaning for those things that I can only do with my hands. 公布
• Influencer Marketing 手工艺品
• Influencer Marketing 艺术
• Influencer Marketing 摄影
• Influencer Marketing 生活方式
• Influencer Marketing 个人发展和灵性
5博客     Sandra Assunção - Creative artist.5
SMB: 2
6+ 个月
Sandra Assunção Creative artist.Creative artist.Teacher, mother and artist. Working in the art world is the main focus. Writing, creating and building new contexts is essential, always! 公布
• Influencer Marketing 手工艺品
• Influencer Marketing 艺术
• Influencer Marketing 装饰
• Influencer Marketing 音乐
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